
Devotional: The Roaring Lion is Defeated (Part 3)

Christian Women's Devotion on reminding us that we don't suffer alone


"…knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being experienced by your brothers and sisters throughout the world. [You do not suffer alone.] After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace [who imparts His blessing and favor], who called you to His own eternal glory in Christ, will Himself complete, confirm, strengthen, and establish you [making you what you ought to be]…" (v.9-10 AMP)

We need to remember that what we experience in the area of demonic attack, persecutions and the tragedies of life, our brothers and sisters all over the world experience this too—we are not alone. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to gather together in fellowship, one with another. As we journey through life with fellow believers, we can share each other's burdens. It's important to stand in faith with our fellow brothers and sisters and pray with them and for them. By doing life together, we build each other up and support each other spiritually and physically.

The church, the Body of Christ, is considered a 'family'—we are brothers and sisters. And when we are part of the family of God, we have that support there when we go through a crisis or a season of real difficulty. We know we can count on our church family to pray for us and if need be, offer practical help as well.

Satan tries desperately to tear down the church of God. He sows strife, discord, dissension, back-biting, offence etc…trying to bring division and disunity, so that many end up leaving with broken hearts and relationships, hurt, anger and resentment—even towards God in some instances. We all need to be covered in prayer. And when there is need to correct error, we must do so with love! But we need God's help and wisdom to do this—lovingly.

Then finally, after we have suffered, God will strengthen and complete us—making us what we ought to be. We grow in adversity! And God's character is developed more in us as we weather the storms. His qualities are refined in our lives as we stand firm in the face of demonic attack. We are being renewed and transformed as we grow in His ways. And this will be clearly revealed with how we love God and treat others—especially our brothers and sisters in the Lord.

We all need God's help through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. We also need the support of our fellow brothers and sisters to help us walk out our Christian faith throughout the many and varied facets of life. And this is especially so when we suffer—and we will suffer! Jesus said Himself that we would have tribulations in this life, but He gives us hope by telling us to take heart because He has overcome the world. We will overcome and stand victorious because we are in Christ Jesus and He has given us His Holy Spirit to enable us. So, take heart, you're on the winning side!

© By M.S.Lowndes


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