Christian Poem: You Are Worthy


A Christian Poem about how God sees us - Our Identity in Christ

Christian Poem on being made worthy to God through Christ's blood


There is also an option to listen to this Poem if you would like to. Just click on the link above the title of the poem. Music is the song 'You Are My Refuge' by David Delgado and used with permission. You may translate the poem into your own language - making sure the translation is 'accurate' though. But if you are using the 'google translator' tool I've placed on my site, you will need to check the accuracy of the translation. Please Note: The mp3 is for listening on this site only – please do not download it or direct link to it. Thank you.


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You Are Worthy

Don't see yourself as insignificant,
Not worthy to come before God,
Fearing the stains are too deep to clean
From the sins you're guilty of
And don't feel as though you're not worthy
To dine at His table of grace,
Nor even to gather the scraps that fall,
Nor look into His loving face

But see yourself clothed in garments
Fit only to clothe a king,
Eating as His honoured guest
And wearing His signet ring
For that is how God sees you,
A worthy child indeed
A royal priesthood, bearing His name
The moment you came to believe

For surely as Christ's blood has washed you,
You shall be whiter than snow,
So don't see yourself as someone unworthy,
A tiny speck nobody knows
For that only belittles the value
Of Jesus Christ's spilled blood,
For it's through His blood He's cleansed you
And showed you how much He loved

He says, 'My child you are precious,
More than you can comprehend,
For nothing you've done could lessen my love,
For I'd always call you my friend
My heart just longs for you to come
And bask in my embrace,
My child, I will always love you
And pour out my mercy and grace

So don't feel afraid to draw near,
Nor feel you have no worth,
My Son's blood has purchased you
And has given you new birth
So come, enjoy my presence
And let me hear you sing
The new song I have given you,
For to me, you are everything'.

© By M.S.Lowndes


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