Chirstian Poem: A Wounded Spirit, Transformed

Christian poem relating to God transforming the wounded spirit

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There is also an option to listen to this Poem if you would like to. Just click on the link above the title of the poem. Music is the song 'Comfort To The Comforter' by David Delgado and used with permission. You may translate the poem into your own language - making sure the translation is 'accurate' though. But if you are using the 'google translator' tool I've placed on my site, you will need to check the accuracy of the translation. Please Note: The mp3 is for listening on this site only - please do not download it or direct link to it. Thank you.


2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is
a new creation; old things have passed away;
behold, all things have become new.


Click on poem to listen to it.

A Wounded Spirit, Transformed

A wounded spirit, God wants to mend
To bring healing and wholeness once again

Where there's brokenness, God gives new hope
And waters our souls to bring new growth

When we have no one, He calls us His friend
And forgives our sins, so we're not condemned

His love goes deep and covers our sin,
So His light may shine brightly within

Dispelling darkness and deep despair,
His love is constant and always near

The cleansing streams of God's sweet grace
Washes over us as we embrace

His holy word that came to life
In the person of His Son, Jesus Christ,

Who brings to us life, hope and love
And eternal blessings from His throne above

I could never want anything more
Than forgiveness and healing from my Lord

For we shall not stay wounded or dismayed,
But be transformed by the word He gave

And with His spirit sent to comfort us,
We shall emerge with faith, hope and love.

© By M.S.Lowndes


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This poem is also on a beautiful picture background available for 'FREE' over on my Heavens Inspirations Facebook page, click on A Wounded Spirit, Transformed. Also, you can download it from here: Picture Poems - Inspirational



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