Christian Poem: World's Success; God's Acceptance
Christian Poem about striving for worldly success
Christian Poem on God's acceptance instead of worldly success
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song 'Worthy To Serve' by David Delgado and used with permission.
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World's Success; God's Acceptance
We can sometimes feel trapped
In the life we're striving for,
In the never ending battles
That are fought without the Lord
We just want to get ahead
On the ladder of success
Where we're climbing slowly upwards,
Trying to do our best
But sometimes we can push and shove
In gaining an extra step
So we can feel much better
When we are well ahead
For when we reach the top
We can feel so awfully proud
That we have made it there,
Not caring 'why' or 'how'
But when we've reached the top,
What then is there to do?
What is it that you wanted
That was so important to you?
The prestige and wealth can fade
Then we're bored with life again
The things we once held dear
Have vanished in the end
So was it really worth it?
When what we really need
Is God and His acceptance
Of us, both you and me
© By M.S.Lowndes
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