Devotional: Wisdom Gained – Brings Change

Children's Devotion on God's Wisdom bringing 'change' in our lives


As we learn God's Word–reading, meditating and thinking of God's word–we gain great understanding. It also keeps us on the right path–so we don't stray. We gain knowledge and understanding, not only of spiritual things, but also of things that are happening in our world. We gain insight into the reasons they happen. Of course, we won't have all the answers to every question raised, but the insight we gain is something that you cannot learn or get from the world. It is from God.

One important thing to remember according to this passage is that it's good to read and meditate on scripture, but we need to apply it to our lives each day. We need to be 'living by God's word' not just speaking God's word. Knowing God's word and living our lives by His word, gives greater understanding, greater insight and greater wisdom from God. The wisdom gained from His word brings about change–a change within us that can have a greater impact on the world in which we live.

© By M.S.Lowndes

Open my eyes [to spiritual truth] so that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law - Psalm 119:18 (AMP)

Let God's word light your way
And guide your every step
As you meditate upon God's word,
His word, you'll not forget.

© By M.S.Lowndes


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