Christian Poem: When The Unexpected Comes


The unexpected things that happen to us in life

Christian Poem on trusting God through the unexpected situations of life


There is also an option to listen to this Poem if you would like to. Just click on the link above the title of the poem. Music is the song 'Amazed' by David Delgado and used with permission.

You may translate the poem into your own language - making sure the translation is 'accurate' though. But if you are using the 'Google translator' tool I've placed on my site, you will need to check the accuracy of the translation. The mp3 is for listening on this site only – please do not download it or direct link to it. Thank you.


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When The Unexpected Comes

Through the unexpected things
That happen in our lives,
We draw from God the strength we need
To carry on with Christ

For He will always hold us up
Whenever it gets too tough
And carry us through the hardest times
When we can't feel His love

I know that at these times we feel
Abandoned by our Lord,
We wonder what is going on,
We can't feel His presence at all

But He has not abandoned us,
Nor forsaken us in our need,
He allows the unexpected things
Be life lessons we should heed

So we will grow with deeper faith
And be strengthened in the Lord
Then when we face the storms of life,
We'll be stronger than before

So when the unexpected comes,
Remember, God's in control
And nothing in life is ever wasted,
But are memories that we hold

So when others come across our path
That are facing what we've faced,
We're more than able to share God's love
And touch them with His grace.

© By M.S.Lowndes


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