
Devotional: What You Are Not – Alone

Christian Devotion on our Identity – Never Alone



For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 8:38-39 (NKJV)

• You are not alone.

God will never leave you alone. He will never forsake you, because He is always with you even though you may not feel Him near. He is always by your side even in those times when you believe that He is so far from you—unable to be reached. The reality is that He is closer to you than you 'feel', and this is why we shouldn't go by our 'feelings'. If we align our thinking to what the word of God says, we will recognise and dismiss the lies Satan whispers in our ears. God is one with you!

By prayer and thanksgiving, you can commune with God throughout the day and in the wee hours of the night. God does not slumber so is available 24/7. You don't need to wait until something goes wrong in your life to call out to God, because communing with God is just talking with Him about anything and everything. It's about giving Him thanks for the big things in life as well as the little things. It's about sharing with Him your interests, your dreams, your concerns and your requests, and also the requests on behalf of others.

Pause for a moment to thank God that He is always with you, and will never leave you without support.

© By M.S.Lowndes

Additional Scriptures:

Joshua 1:9(NKJV)


Psalm 23:4(NKJV)

Isaiah 41:10(NKJV)

Hebrews 13:5(AMP)


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