The purpose of the
'Terms Of Use' page is to clarify how you may use the content on this site. Please read these terms before you
take the Poetry, Card Verses, Songs and Devotionals.
My heart's desire is to
bless others with 'Free' Christian Poetry, Card Verses, Songs & Devotionals, so please respect my 'Terms
of Use' and adhere to them if you use my work.
As each one has
received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If anyone speaks, let
him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that
in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and
ever. Amen ~ 1 Peter 4:10-11(NKJV)
"...Freely (without pay) you have received, freely (without charge) give..." ~ Matthew 10: 8b (AMP)

Terms Of Use
All the Poetry, Card Verses, Sentiments, Devotionals and Songs are all free to use for non-commercial
use - provided the 'Terms of Use' are read and adhered to.
You may copy & paste the Poetry, Card Verses, Sentiments, Devotionals into any craft project, cards, print them
out for yourself or to give away to others, use them on blogs, internet groups, on any other website, recite in
church services/meetings and for use in church bulletins/newsletters - keeping my copyright notice with them.
There are PDF files for each poem & devotional so it's easier to print out.
All the graphics, background tiles, buttons, dividers etc, cannot be used at all (with the exception of
the poems that are available on picture backgrounds in the "Picture Poems" section),
The Poetry that is available on picture backgrounds must be downloaded to your own computer and used for non-commercial use only.
You may use the card verses in cards you make for a card ministry where a few are made and sent out or
sold for fundraising. You can also use the Card Verses for e-cards, printouts, church bulletins/newsletters, use
on blogs, social media sites, emails, internet groups and other websites, but please keep reference to my copyright
notice when placed anywhere on the internet.
If you are placing the poetry on another website, blog or internet group, or printing it out, placing it in craft
projects, church bulletins/newsletters, please keep the poem in its entirety. You cannot break up the
poem, taking excerpts from it. The only time you can do that is when you are using the poem in a church service
where children are reciting a part each. Permission for this is stated on the page (such as Christmas & Easter
All Poetry, Card Verses, Sentiments and Devotionals on this site, must remain as I have written it. You cannot
change, edit or adapt them for your own use. The words must remain as I have written it and in the same 'verse
format'. You also cannot use any of the poetry, card verses and devotionals by mixing it with your own or someone
else's written work. You also cannot change the 'title' of the poems or devotionals when placing on blogs, websites
or printouts etc. Please leave them as is!!
If you want to create a song using one of my poems, please ask permission first. I will only grant
permission if you can still keep the poem in its entirety - and without making changes to it.
You may use the poetry in videos you make in to be placed on the internet such as: Youtube, Godtube, Facebook, or
any other social media site. You also can use the poems for your church service that would be recorded and placed
on the internet, you are more than welcome to do so.
You may translate the Poetry/Card Verses/Sentiments/Devotionals into your own language when sharing
with others or placing in homemade cards - provided you translate word for word and you keep my copyright attached
when sharing and reproducing them according to these Terms. Bear in mind, the card verses/poetry will lose its
rhyme when translated.
I do not review other people's poetry. I simply don't have time for that at this stage. If you want to
submit your own Christian poetry, see my 'Links' page for a list of
Christian Websites where you can submit your poetry.
My poetry is available on mp3's. These mp3's are for the listening pleasure while viewing the poetry on this site.
Please do not upload them to place on your own site - and DO NOT direct link to them.
The original songs I have available in the 'Christian Songs'
section, are available to freely download in mp3 format for personal and church use. The 'Terms Of Use' for the
songs, are listed on the page of each song.
I do not permit my poetry to be entered into 'Poetry Contests'. Please do not do this! If you want to enter a
poetry contest, enter your own poetry - please!
Please note: I do not use American spelling - as I am not American. I use English spelling :-)

If you have any questions
regarding these 'Terms', or if there is something not covered here, please don't hesitate to contact me. Email
Thank you, and God bless. ~ Michelle Lowndes (M.S.Lowndes)
*Updated 24th January, 2025