Devotion: Running On Empty Or Full?

Christian Women's Devotion on Being Filled with the Holy Spirit


Read: Ephesians 3:16-21(NKJV)

Sometimes we find ourselves running on empty if we are giving out a lot. Whether it's giving our time or talents, we can feel quite drained if we don't take time to stop and 'full up'. We need to daily come before God to be filled afresh with the Holy Spirit.

We can't continue to give out when there is nothing left inside to give. It's like trying to go the full distance in a car that has already reached 'empty' at the halfway point. Trying to do this only causes us grief and stress we don't need. It may even cause 'burn out'.

This is why it is vital to our well being 'spiritually' to daily come in for a 'full up' of the Holy Spirit. Just to spend some quality time with God in peace and quiet. It is revitalizing and refreshing.

I know that in the busyness of life it's hard to find time each day to really get alone with God. But we really do need to try. This is something I feel the Lord has spoken to me about lately, because I need a daily infilling too.

© By M.S.Lowndes

And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but ever be filled and stimulated with the [Holy] Spirit. - Ephesians 5:18(AMPC)

Lord, today, as I come to you
Fill me afresh I pray
Help me, Lord, to not run empty,
But to be filled every day.

© By M.S.Lowndes



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