
Devotional: Our True Image–Part 3

Christian Women's Devotion on 'body image' and having Balance


Read: Psalm 139:13-16 (AMP)

...Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies [dedicating all of yourselves, set apart] as a living sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing to God, which is your rational (logical, intelligent) act of worship...(Rom.12:1 (AMP))

As we walk in the freedom of Christ, we need to have 'Balance'.

Being obsessive with calorie counting and even exercise is just as bad as being unrestrained and excessive in our food choices—there needs to be 'Balance'. We shouldn't be so rigid in what we eat, which can leave us feeling deprived, but to enjoy having treat foods sometimes. We shouldn't see that as a sin. We should feel free to eat or not to eat because our body image should never be our focus. Our focus must always be on Jesus and the work He has given us in the kingdom of God.

When we become so obsessive in what we should or shouldn't eat or have a rigid exercise regime which leaves little time for anything else, it can become a real stronghold in our lives. We become so overly focused on our body image that when we do have even the smallest of treats, we feel condemned. We can't just enjoy ourselves. This is not living in the freedom that Christ paid for on the cross. God gives us freedom in our food choices. Granted, we need to exercise this freedom wisely by not making unhealthy food choices but to eat foods designed by our loving Creator that nourishes our bodies. But, at the same time, we also have the freedom to have the occasional treat foods when out with friends or family, or when entertaining at home with dinners and BBQ's etc. The key is to never overindulge. This is the main point. To be free to eat without overindulgence and to be free to abstain without being overly rigid. We need to pray for 'Balance', so we won't be extreme in either direction.

Just enjoy a treat now and then, and give thanks for it, because you are fearfully and wonderfully made—taste buds and all!

© By M.S.Lowndes

Lord, help me not to be extreme
But have balance in my life,
For I know the purchase of my freedom,
Cost you the ultimate price.

© By M.S.Lowndes


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