Christian Prayer Poem: My Good Shepherd
Christian Poem about Jesus being our good shepherd
You are my good Shepherd
I shall never be in want
You fulfil me, you satisfy me
The deepest longing of my soul
You feed me, you nourish my soul
With all good things
With all your goodness
You provide for me,
Everything that I need
You liberally supply,
So that I will not be in lack.
You watch over me
You protect me from all harm
You see me, your eyes are ever on me
Watching with love and concern
You see each step I take
You watch my every move
You see me when I sleep
And as I go about my day.
You protect me from the enemy
I am safe and secure in you
In the centre of your palm
You will never let me go
And no one can snatch me away
From your nail pierced hands.
You lead me and direct my steps
You guide me in my decisions
You lead me to rest
Even in the desert times
And in the dry, barren places
You lead me to where I can rest
And be refreshed in you
The oasis of your presence
In the midst of my wilderness
Where I am refreshed, revived
And restored in you.
You are my good shepherd
Who takes care of me
With an unconditional love
Steadfast and eternal
I am safe, secure and at peace
In your tender loving care.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Added Scriptures: Psalm 23; Philippians 4:19
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