Free Christian Missing You Greeting Card Verses and Poems
Missing You Card Messages
*Including Church Missing You Poems & Verses, Quotes & Sayings for Handmade
Cards & Crafts*
In this section, I have a
selection of Free Christian Missing You Card Verses and Quotes. These Poems are
free to use when you don't know what to write in your homemade cards and you're looking for Christian
wording that will complement your craft projects, scrapbooks, 'Missing You' cards or for e-cards to let others
know you're thinking of them - provided you abide by the 'Terms of Use'. I have placed on this page, some 'Church Missing You Verses', as well as some 'General Missing You Verses'.
I have added the same verses 'rewritten' with the "I", "We", "Us" and "Me" changed, so individuals or groups can choose the verse that they like - whichever is applicable. I also ask that none of the words of these verses be changed. They are all free for you to use, but must remain as I have written them.
By using these Missing You messages, you signify that you have read & agreed to my 'Terms Of Use'. Thank You!
To Print Greeting: highlight the greeting you want, then right click and select "print"
~ Church Missing You Verses ~
We missed seeing you at church
And wondered how you are,
We hope and pray that you'll return,
For your absence breaks our hearts
We want you to know we care
And miss you very much,
We pray God's love will reach inside
With a special touch.
© By M.S.Lowndes
We want to let you know that we
Have missed you for a while,
We've noticed that you've not been here
And we've missed your friendly smile
We think of you so very much
And remember you in our prayers,
We hope that you'll come back into
The fellowship we shared.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Your church family misses you
Those times when you're not there,
We want to let you know we notice
And show you that we care
We pray a special blessing on you
Upon all you do and say
And ask that God watch over you,
Each moment of every day.
© By M.S.Lowndes
~ General Missing You Verses ~
I've missed you so very much
Since you went away
And wondered what you've been up to
And how you spend your days
I just want to let you know,
You're in my thoughts each day
And I long to see your smiling face
Just one more time, I pray.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Son, we miss you so very much,
No words can we express,
But we know that God has called you
And your life, He's truly blessed
For you are such a blessing to us
And to those you minister to,
Though for now, we must release you
So God can work through you.
© By M.S.Lowndes
As you've grown we've seen the Lord's
Blessings on your life
And it fills our hearts with so much joy
To see your love for Christ
Still, we miss our little girl
Since you have moved away,
But we know there'll come a time for us
To reunite some day.
© By M.S.Lowndes
I'm missing you every day
And wishing you were here,
I'm hoping to see your face again
And longing again to share
All our deepest secrets,
The longings of the soul,
Though distance comes between us,
The memories, I still hold.
© By M.S.Lowndes
The verses below are the same as above, but rewritten with the "I", "We", "Us" and "Me" changed, so individuals or groups can send the verse that they like - whichever is applicable.
I missed seeing you at church
And wondered how you are,
I hope and pray that you'll return,
For your absence breaks my heart
I want you to know I care
And miss you very much,
I pray God's love will reach inside
With a special touch.
© By M.S.Lowndes
I want to let you know that I
Have missed you for a while,
I've noticed that you've not been here
And I've missed your friendly smile
I think of you so very much
And remember you in my prayers,
I hope that you'll come back into
The fellowship we shared.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Your church family misses you
Those times when you're not there,
I want to let you know I notice
And show you that I care
I pray a special blessing on you
Upon all you do and say
And ask that God watch over you,
Each moment of every day.
© By M.S.Lowndes
We've missed you so very much
Since you went away
And wondered what you've been up to
And how you spend your days
We just want to let you know,
You're in our thoughts each day
And we long to see your smiling face
Just one more time, we pray.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Son, I miss you so very much,
No words can I express,
But I know that God has called you
And your life, He's truly blessed
For you are such a blessing to me
And to those you minister to,
Though for now, I must release you
So God can work through you.
© By M.S.Lowndes
As you've grown I've seen the Lord's
Blessings on your life
And it fills my heart with so much joy
To see your love for Christ
Still, I miss my little girl
Since you have moved away,
But I know there'll come a time for me
To reunite some day.
© By M.S.Lowndes
We're missing you every day
And wishing you were here,
We're hoping to see your face again
And longing again to share
All our deepest secrets,
The longings of the soul,
Though distance comes between us,
The memories, we still hold.
© By M.S.Lowndes
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