Christian Poem: Love Covers

Christian Poem relating to God's love covering our sins

Overcoming our daily hassles with God's Love



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Love Covers

Daily hassles don't seem important
When Jesus' love comes in,
For the holy bible says it covers
A multitude of sins

We see it from a new perspective
When God opens up our eyes
And tells us there's no need to worry
With the hassles in our lives

For it needn't be that way at all,
If we'd daily kneel to pray
And keep our minds focused on God
Throughout the rest of the day

I know that seems an impossible task
And so often we may fall —
When we have so many distractions,
It's hard to stay focused at all

But God's love is forever constant
And is there when we fail —
He is there to pick us up again,
For He knows our flesh is frail

And yet our heart's deepest desire
Is to grow more like Christ,
'Cause no matter what's going on each day,
He is central in our lives.

© By M.S.Lowndes


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