(Stories With a Christian Message)
Christian Inspirational Stories
Speak out to one another
in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, offering
praise with voices and instruments] and making
melody with all your heart to the Lord, at all
times and for everything giving thanks in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the
Father. ~ Ephesians 5: 19-20(Amp)
Welcome to the ~Inspiring Stories~ section of Heavens Inspirations.
In this section, I have placed a compilation of Inspirational Stories (most with a Christian message) for you to read.
The Inspirational Stories placed here have not been presented as 'True' stories. They may be 'true', or based on true events, but some may be written as an inspiring story with a wonderful message in it (excluding Testimonies of course). Most of them are 'Author Unknown'. Please, if you know the author of any of the inspiring stories placed on here, contact me so I can give the rightful credit.
Feel free to share these pages with friends.
There is a send to a friend option at the
bottom of each page. God Bless!
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