Find Bible Verses In God's Word
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Bible Verses Categorized by Topic
Find bible scriptures
for every area of life right here, categorized by topic for your convenience with a large selection of scripture
verses in each category
Every Scripture is
God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for
correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity
to God's will in thought, purpose, and action).
2 Timothy 3:16

Welcome to In God's
Word, a section of Heavens Inspirations where a large selection of Bible verses on many different topics
are placed. I have categorized the bible scriptures so they're easier for you to locate. Use this section for bible
study, memorization, or just to read and meditate on. You may also print them out and place them where you will
see them during the day to encourage youself in God's Word. There are many different categories, so just click on
the category you want from the list below. All the scriptures have been taken from the New King James Bible unless
otherwise stated. If you want to read it in a different translation and/or language, just click on the scripture
reference and you will go to that scripture at 'Bible Gateway'
where you can read it in the translation or language you want to. Begin today to hide God's Word in your heart!
Your Word
Your Word, O Lord
Is wisdom and truth
And we need to know this
When in our youth
To have it embedded
Deep in our hearts
To never give it up
And never let it part
We need to know
The truth there in
That will lead us to life
And free us from sin
Your Word, O Lord
Is faithful and just
And in your Word
We must put our trust
© By M.S.Lowndes
Scripture Verses Contents
Also, if you want
a poem for a special occasion, click on 'Special Occasions'
You will find a poem for a Wedding, Baby Dedication, Baptism, Mother's Day, Memorial, New Year and some Christmas
and Easter poems - as well as communion poems. Please click on the 'Share This Page' button below, if you want to
send this page to a friend. Remember, there is more Christian poetry in the Christian Poetry Pages
section, and card verses in the Christian Card Verses section.
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