Christian Poem: In My World Of Silence


Christian Poem relating to deafness

From the perspective of someone who is deaf or hard of hearing


There is also an option to listen to this Poem if you would like to. Just click on the link above the title of the poem. Music is the song 'Silent Testimony' by David Delgado and used with permission. You may translate the poem into your own language - making sure the translation is 'accurate' though. But if you are using the 'google translator' tool I've placed on my site, you will need to check the accuracy of the translation. Please Note: The mp3 is for listening on this site only – please do not download it or direct link to it. Thank you.


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In My World Of Silence

My world can be so silent
And it sometimes brings a tear,
The laughter of the children,
I long, one day, to hear

To hear their little voices
As they play their childhood games,
Longing to hear them sing their songs
And pray in Jesus name

To hear the birds each morning,
Greeting another day,
But my world is one of silence
One that's hard to convey

I wish I could express to you,
But I really don't know how,
I'm not sure that you would understand
What I'm sharing with you now

For it can be real lonely
When I feel I'm not a part
Of what I see around me,
It often tugs at my heart

But though our two worlds differ,
Jesus is by my side
It's in this common faith we share,
God's love in us abides

For He is the hope I have
And the new song on my lips,
My hearing may be limited
But my spirit connects with His

And with my fellow believers
As we worship side by side,
For I have found no greater love
Than the love of Jesus Christ.

© By M.S.Lowndes

This poem is written from the perspective
of someone who is deaf or hard of hearing.


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