Christian Poem: God's Provision
God provides for our needs
Christian Poem based on Matthew 6:31-34
There is also an option to
listen to this Poem if you would like to. Just click on the link above the title of the poem. Music is the
song 'Blessing Of Faith' by David Delgado and used with permission.
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We so often do not trust in God
And lack faith that He will provide,
We worry, we fret, and we fuss so much,
In His blessings, we do not abide
For how can the hand of Almighty God
Stretch forth with all that we need
If we are not even expecting it
And have doubt instead of belief?
His word has said so many times
That He will provide for His children
He won't leave us to go begging for bread,
But feed us from the storehouse of heaven
Look at the sparrows, the birds of the air,
Are we not worth more than they?
And consider the lilies, see how they grow,
How magnificently they are arrayed
So much more than the lilies of the field,
Our clothing, will He not provide?
More than the sparrows that feed from His hand,
Our food, He will not deny
We really must believe in God's provision
As sure as the fresh morning dew,
For He already knows just what are our needs
And He will always come through.
© By M.S.Lowndes
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beautiful picture background available for 'FREE' over on my Heavens Inspirations Facebook page, click
on God's Provision.
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