Devotional: God Is Calling You!
Christian Women's Devotion on Hearing the Voice of God
This was a very
special revelation for Samuel,
as we read in
V:1, "The word of the Lord
was rare and
precious in those days; there was
no frequent
or widely spread vision."
God called Samuel
three times before Eli perceived
it was the
Lord speaking to him. Samuel did not
know the
Lord at this stage (V:7). How often has
called out to us, but we have not heard Him,
recognized it was He that was calling us?
has God laid on your heart to pursue? A
or 'vision' He has given you. Of course
we need
to have discernment, to know if it is of
God or
of ourselves. But I think that anything
in the
area of 'ministering' to others and
the gospel' must be of God. I believe
that God
gives us real 'passion' in our hearts
for that
'dream' or 'vision'.
It must have been hard
for Samuel to tell Eli
everything the Lord
spoke to him about. Sometimes
there may be
times like this where we need to
something the Lord has shown us. In
that, I don't believe that God is in the
of 'gossiping'. If he gives somebody a
'word of
knowledge', I believe it is for the
benefit of
helping that person, maybe to come
to know Jesus,
or in an area they need healing.
Eli must have
perceived that God had something
real important
to say. Even though it wasn't
great for him,
he recognized it was from God
and it was His
will. He accepted
Samuel had a sensitive spirit and was
to listen and obey. We, too, need to have a
spirit, willing to listen and obey.
We need to
remain in-tune with God. We all have
a purpose and
a destiny. God has created us for
a reason. If you
are still unsure of what God
wants you to do—'Ask'.
He will show you. He
wants us all to rise up to that
which He is
calling us to—and be functioning in it.
think God hasn't got anything for you to do.
the contrary, He has an awesome plan for
life. If you have a 'dream or 'vision'
God has laid
on your heart, why not take steps
today to make it a
reality. Pray that God will
direct you and show you
what you need to do to
make it happen. He will
begin to open doors.
Watch and see what the Lord
will do—when we
heed His call.
© By M.S.Lowndes
For God's gifts and His
call are irrevocable.
[He never withdraws them
when once they are
given, and He does not
change His mind about
those to whom He gives
His grace or to whom
He sends His
call]. - Romans 11:29 (AMPC)
Lord, may we heed the
calling You've placed upon our lives, To rise
up and begin to fulfil The dreams we have
© M.S.Lowndes
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