Christian Poem: Do You Trust Me?
Christian Poem relating to trusting in God
Trusting God with everything we face in life
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Do you trust me
When things aren't going right,
When life deals some painful blows,
When finances are awfully tight?
Do you trust me
When tragedy comes your way,
When you don't get all the answers
When you bend your knee to pray?
Do you trust me
When friends don't understand,
When there's no one you can talk to,
No one to hold your hand?
Do you trust me
When there's warring in your soul,
When there's darkness all around you
And you're left out in the cold?
Do you trust me
When evil is against you,
When there's nowhere left to run
And you can't find the truth?
Do you trust me?
I need to ask you this,
'Cause you don't always know
I'm there in the midst
Of all your tribulations,
Everything that you go through,
I am always there, my child,
And I will never leave you
So I must ask of you
To see if you believe,
No matter what you face in life,
You must always trust in me.
© By M.S.Lowndes
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For further material relating to Trust, please visit: