Christian Poem: The Many Different Seasons
Christian poem about the different seasons we go through in life
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the song 'Into His Presence' by David Delgado and used with
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The Many Different Seasons
There are many different seasons In life that
we go through, Times of God's blessing and peace And times of
hardship too
No matter what the season, We find that we are
in, God is there to lead us on And give us hope
And when the seasons of hardships Have come into
our lives, We can be encouraged by God For our hope is placed
in Christ
For we know it's only temporary And will change
as seasons do, Though it feels like an eternity And we wonder
if we'll get through
But God's rivers of mercy Flow down
from heaven above To bring to us refreshment And to touch us
with His love
So thank the Lord for the seasons, As
different as they are, And for the growth that comes from
it, Bringing change within our hearts.
© By M.S.Lowndes
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