Christian Declaration: God's Unconditional Love
Declaring God's Unconditional Love Over Ourselves
I am already loved—even
when I mess up, God still loves me.
God's love is unchanging. I cannot earn more of God's love, and I can't be disqualified from receiving His love.
God's love doesn't lesson, or increase based on what I do or don't do.
God's love is unconditional—it's not based upon conditions of performance, gifting, ability, beauty or
spiritual goodness.
I am already loved—fiercely, immeasurably and without exception.
He is always wooing me to a deeper intimacy.
He loves me; He hears me when I pray; He sees me—the good and ugly.
He knows me—every intricate detail, the very core of who I am (even better than I do), and He still loves me.
Nothing in all creation can separate me from His love.
© By M.S.Lowndes
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