Christian Church Welcome Card Verses
New Church Visitors Messages for Cards or Invites
Looking for a Church Welcome Message With a Christian Sentiment?
*Choose from these Free
Church Welcome Greetings, Quotes, Sayings & Welcoming Visitors to church Messages, Poems & Wording for Homemade
Cards, Scrapbooks, Crafts or a Church Bulletin/Newsletter*
In this section, I have
a selection of Christian New Visitors Card Wording and Church Welcome Poems. You may use them freely for
your handmade cards, e-cards, or for your church newsletter/bulletin, to welcome people to your
church—provided you abide by the 'Terms of Use'.
I have added the same verses 'rewritten' with the "I", "We", "Us" and "Me" changed, so individuals or groups can choose the verse that they like - whichever is applicable. I also ask that none of the words of these verses be changed. They are all free for you to use, but must remain as I have written them.
By using these Church Welcome Messages, you signify that you have read &
agreed to my 'Terms Of Use'.
Thank You!
To Print Greeting: highlight the greeting you want, then right click and select "print"
We hope that you felt blessed today
By the fellowship you received,
And that you experienced the love of God
And the warmth of His saving grace
We extend the hand of friendship
So that we can connect with you,
For you are so valuable to the Lord
And very precious in His sight.
© By M.S.Lowndes
We're glad you came to join with us
In our worship time today,
We hope that you have felt God's love
In a new, refreshing way
For you're so welcomed in this place
And we hope you'll come again,
To join with us in fellowship
And to make some special friends.
© By M.S.Lowndes
We invite you with open arms
To come along to our church,
We hope that you can join with us
In worship and God's word
If you have needs, and want someone
To listen and to pray,
We're here for you with open hearts
And God's love to give away.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Welcome to our church family,
We're glad that you could come
We're honoured to share this day with you
As we worship God's risen Son
We hope that God has touched your life
As we worshipped side by side
And that you left this place today
With the peace of God inside.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Welcome to our church family,
We're glad that you could come
We're honoured to share this day with you
As we worship God's risen Son
We hope that God touches your life
As we worship side by side
And that you leave this place today
With the peace of God inside.
© By M.S.Lowndes
We want to extend this invitation
For you to come along
And become part of our church family
Where you feel that you belong
For you are valued by the Lord
And He has a purpose for you,
He's placed within you special gifts,
He longs for you to use
And we, as a church, would love to see
You grow within your gifts,
For then we all can receive a blessing
With what God's blessed you with.
© By M.S.Lowndes
You're warmly welcomed to our church,
We will love to see you there
We want you to know the love of God
And feel His presence near
For you are so special to the Lord
And special to us, too,
For your life has significance,
And there's purpose in what you do.
© By M.S.Lowndes
The verses below are the same as above, but rewritten with the "I", "We", "Us" and "Me" changed, so individuals or groups can send the verse that they like - whichever is applicable.
I hope that you felt blessed today
By the fellowship you received,
And that you experienced the love of God
And the warmth of His saving grace
I extend the hand of friendship
So that I can connect with you,
For you are so valuable to the Lord
And very precious in His sight.
© By M.S.Lowndes
I'm glad you came to join with us
In our worship time today,
I hope that you have felt God's love
In a new, refreshing way
For you're so welcomed in this place
And I hope you'll come again,
To join with us in fellowship
And to make some special friends.
© By M.S.Lowndes
I invite you with open arms
To come along to my church,
I hope that you can join with me
In worship and God's word
If you have needs, and want someone
To listen and to pray,
I'm here for you with an open heart
And God's love to give away.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Welcome to our church family,
I'm glad that you could come
I'm honoured to share this day with you
As we worship God's risen Son
I hope that God has touched your life
As we worshipped side by side
And that you left this place today
With the peace of God inside.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Welcome to our church family,
I'm glad that you could come
I'm honoured to share this day with you
As we worship God's risen Son
I hope that God touches your life
As we worship side by side
And that you leave this place today
With the peace of God inside.
© By M.S.Lowndes
I want to extend this invitation
For you to come along
And become part of my church family
Where you feel that you belong
For you are valued by the Lord
And He has a purpose for you,
He's placed within you special gifts,
He longs for you to use
And I know the church would love to see
You grow within your gifts,
For then we all can receive a blessing
With what God's blessed you with.
© By M.S.Lowndes
You're warmly welcomed to my church,
I would love to see you there
I want you to know the love of God
And feel His presence near
For you are so special to the Lord
And special to me, too
For your life has significance,
And there's purpose in what you do.
© By M.S.Lowndes
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