::Song Titles::

Free Christian Church Worship Songs
Welcome to the "Christian Songs ~ MP3's" section of Heavens Inspirations.
In this section, I have a few Christian Songs, Worship Songs for Praise and Worship and Sunday School/Children's Junior Church Songs that you may freely use. If you are a Church Worship Leader or Sunday School teacher looking for brand new 'original' songs for Church worship or for Junior Church/Sunday School, then some of these songs might interest you.
Free Christian Songs for Christian Musicians & Worship Leaders
In this section, I have some basic - "raw" recordings of some of my original Christian Praise and Worship Songs, which you may download 'freely' in mp3 format so you can learn them for your own personal use, public performance and for church use. Most of the songs I wrote around 20-26 years ago - between 1982-1990, but I have felt that God wants me to make them available to anyone out there (whether christian singers, musicians or church worship leaders), who feel they can use them to share with others or in their church worship. Please bear in mind that these mp3's are just basic recordings and not studio quality - as I only have the basic necessities to record with, and that I'm certainly no singer or musician :-)
Free Sunday School/Junior Church Worship Songs
The songs are probably best suited for church congregations, children's choir, or Junior Church/Sunday School - as most of the older songs may be more appropriate for children to sing. The songs that are from 2008 onwards will have the year placed next to them and may be more suited for 'adult' church worship. Also, make sure you read my Terms of Use (below) before downloading these songs. Just click on the song titles on the side to hear the song. The lyrics with the guitar chords are also available, the link to its page is below each song and you are free to print them out. If you want to contact me in regard to these songs, feel free. Contact details below.

Make sure all the copyright details are kept with the song
You cannot change the Lyrics or the Music, which includes adding or deleting words.
You may change the key, tempo and style - as long as the tune is not changed.
You cannot place these songs - including the mp3 recordings - on other websites, forums or blogs.
These songs a free to download for the purpose of learning for your own personal use, singing in a public performance, and use in church worship/Sunday School.
Please do not direct link to these mp3's. You must right click on the speaker icon, and "save as" or "save target as" to your own computer.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any queries regarding the song. Contact button below, on left side menu.
If you like, you can visit Heavens Inspirations over on Facebook:
By using these songs, you signify that you have read & agreed to my 'Terms Of Use'