Christian Poem: Authentic Christians
Christian Poem about being an Authentic Believer
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song 'Time Interupted' by David Delgado and used with permission.
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We need to be authentic, Lord,
In how we live for you
A faith, a walk, that's genuine
In what we say and do
This life that we live for you
Is not an act in a play,
But our real lives we're living out
For Jesus every day
For we're not merely actors
Performing in a scene
With well rehearsed scripts to follow,
Or like puppets on a string
But we live a life that measures up
To the words that we speak,
In line with the word of God
And the truths that you teach
We want so much for others
To see your love inside
And know that there's a difference
When we come to Jesus Christ.
© By M.S.Lowndes
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