Free Christian Appreciation Greeting Card Verses
Appreciation Messages For Appreciation Cards
Looking for an Appreciation Card Message With a Christian Sentiment?
Choose from these Appreciation Poems & Verses, Appreciation Greetings, Pastor Appreciation Sentiments Appreciation Quotes & Sayings, Appreciation Card Wording, Appreciation Messages for Handmade Cards, Scrapbooks, Crafts & Church Newsletters
In this section, I have a
selection of Free Christian Appreciation Card Verses and Messages—for non-commercial use. These
Appreciation Poems are free to use when you don't know what to write in your homemade cards
and you're looking for Christian wording that will complement your Appreciation card making, ecards, scrapbooks, crafts or church newsletters/bulletins - provided you abide by the 'Terms of Use'.
I have added the same verses 'rewritten' with the "I", "We", "Us" and "Me" changed, so individuals or groups can choose the verse that they like - whichever is applicable. I also ask that none of the words of these verses be changed. They are all free for you to use, but must remain as I have written them.

As each of you has received a gift (a
particular spiritual talent, a gracious divine
endowment), employ it for one another as [befits]
good trustees of God's many-sided grace [faithful stewards of
the extremely diverse powers and gifts granted to Christians by
unmerited favour]. Whoever speaks, [let him do it as one who
utters] oracles of God; whoever renders service, [let him do
it] as with the strength which God furnishes abundantly, so that
in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ (the
Messiah). To Him be the glory and dominion forever and ever
(through endless ages). Amen (so be it). - 1 Peter 4:
By using these Appreciation Greetings, you signify that you have read & agreed to my 'Terms Of Use'. Thank You!
I've added two verses #1 #2
To Print Greeting: highlight the greeting you want, then right click and select "print"
In appreciation of the love shown,
Support given and blessings received
In my time of need…
Your unselfishness and kindness
Has truly been a blessing
And hasn't gone unnoticed
Through this time of testing.
Few words express my feelings,
So it's hard to convey
How deeply I appreciate
The support that you gave.
I pray the Lord will touch you
With His love anew
And shower blessings from heaven
To refresh and bless you.
© By M.S.Lowndes
You are so Appreciated...
I know many times I fail to express
How much I appreciate you,
Yet your acts of kindness clearly reveal
The wonderful person you are —
For you are so very special to me
And valued beyond mere words —
You're the sweet aroma of God's grace,
Filling my life with His fragrance.
© By M.S.Lowndes
We want you to know That we appreciate
you, Your tireless service for the Lord Is reflected in all you
do So we pray that you will know How special you are to
us And to carry on the work of God, Serving in His
© By M.S.Lowndes
We give thanks unto the
Lord For your love and faithfulness In all the little things
you do With a heart of thankfulness We do so appreciate
you And cannot truly express Just how much you mean to
us, For we are truly blessed.
© By M.S.Lowndes
So often no one can see Your service for the
Lord, But know that Jesus sees the work You've done for no
reward We just want to let you know, We appreciate you
too And we are sure a heavenly reward Is waiting there for
© By M.S.Lowndes
We present to you today An
appreciation award, Just to say a big 'Thank You' For your
service in the Lord We pray that God continues To bless you in
your life, As you have been faithful in The work of Jesus
© By M.S.Lowndes
We just want you to know How much we
appreciate you, You've always been there, rain and
shine, Whatever we've been through We pray that God will bless
you more In a very special way As you have been a blessing to
us, Each and every day.
© By M.S.Lowndes
You may
not know Just how much That I appreciate you, You may not
think There's anything special In anything that you
do But I just wanted To let you know Through all those
times of need, Just how very much You're appreciated And how
much you mean to me.
© By M.S.Lowndes
We pray God's blessings be with you In
abundance even more, For you have been so special to us, A
blessing from the Lord We just want for you to know How much
you mean to us, For all you've done, and for who you are, We
appreciate so much.
© By M.S.Lowndes
We appreciate all your hard work
And the tireless hours you spare,
It often seems it goes unnoticed,
Though the evidence is clear
God sees your faithful diligence
In everything you do
And the smile upon His loving face,
Shows He appreciates you, too.
© By M.S.Lowndes
The verses below are the same as above, but rewritten with the "I", "We", "Us" and "Me" changed, so individuals or groups can send the verse that they like - whichever is applicable. There is also a Christmas Teacher's Apprection Verse.
In appreciation of the love shown,
Support given and blessings received
In our time of need…
Your unselfishness and kindness
Has truly been a blessing
And hasn't gone unnoticed
Through this time of testing.
Few words express our feelings,
So it's hard to convey
How deeply we appreciate
The support that you gave.
We pray the Lord will touch you
With His love anew
And shower blessings from heaven
To refresh and bless you.
© By M.S.Lowndes
You are so Appreciated...
We know many times we fail to express
How much we appreciate you,
Yet your acts of kindness clearly reveal
The wonderful person you are —
For you are so very special to us
And valued beyond mere words —
You're the sweet aroma of God's grace,
Filling our lives with His fragrance.
© By M.S.Lowndes
I want you to know
That I appreciate you,
Your tireless service for the Lord
Is reflected in all you do
So I pray that you will know
How special you are to me
And to carry on the work of God,
Serving in His family.
© By M.S.Lowndes
I give thanks unto the Lord
For your love and faithfulness
In all the little things you do
With a heart of thankfulness
I do so appreciate you
And cannot truly express
Just how much you mean to me,
For I am truly blessed.
© By M.S.Lowndes
So often no one can see
Your service for the Lord,
But know that Jesus sees the work
You've done for no reward
I just want to let you know,
I appreciate you too
And I am sure a heavenly reward
Is waiting there for you.
© By M.S.Lowndes
I present to you today
An appreciation award,
Just to say a big 'Thank You'
For your service in the Lord
I pray that God continues
To bless you in your life,
As you have been faithful in
The work of Jesus Christ.
© By M.S.Lowndes
I just want you to know
How much I appreciate you,
You've always been there, rain and shine,
Whatever I've been through
I pray that God will bless you more
In a very special way
As you have been a blessing to me,
Each and every day.
© By M.S.Lowndes
You may not know
Just how much
That we appreciate you,
You may not think
There's anything special
In anything that you do
But we just wanted
To let you know
Through the times that were tough,
Just how very much
You were appreciated
And how much you meant to us.
© By M.S.Lowndes

I appreciate all your hard work
And the tireless hours you spare,
It often seems it goes unnoticed,
Though the evidence is clear
God sees your faithful diligence
In everything you do
And the smile upon His loving face,
Shows He appreciates you, too.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Christmas Appreciation for Teachers:
As an expression of the season,
We want to extend to you,
Our appreciation for all your work,
Your time and effort too
For we acknowledge your input
Is great in our children's lives,
So we want you to know we value you
And that you're valued by Christ.
© By M.S.Lowndes
As an expression of the season,
I want to extend to you,
My appreciation for all your work,
Your time and effort too
For I acknowledge your input
Is great in my child's life,
So I want you to know I value you
And that you're valued by Christ.
© By M.S.Lowndes
I have added the same verse 'rewritten' with the word "Children" changed to either 'girls' or 'boys' for clubs or groups that want to thank their volunteers/helpers.
#10 Girls
As an expression of the season,
We want to extend to you,
Our appreciation for all your work,
Your time and effort too
For we acknowledge your input
Is great in the girls lives,
So we want you to know we value you
And that you're valued by Christ.
© By M.S.Lowndes
#10 Boys
As an expression of the season,
We want to extend to you,
Our appreciation for all your work,
Your time and effort too
For we acknowledge your input
Is great in the boys lives,
So we want you to know we value you
And that you're valued by Christ.
© By M.S.Lowndes
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