About Heavens Inspirations
Heavens Inspirations Site Map
Have you not known? Have you not heard? The
everlasting God, the Lord, the creator of the
ends of the earth, does not faint or grow weary;
there is no searching His understanding. He gives
power to the faint and weary, and to him who has
no might He increases strength [causing it to
multiply and making it to abound]. Even youths
shall faint and be weary, and [selected] young
men shall feebly stumble and fall exhausted; but
those that wait for the Lord [who expect, look
for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their
strength and power; they shall lift their wings
and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up
to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they
shall walk and not faint or become tired. - Isaiah 40:28-31 (AMPC)

Like what this scripture from Isaiah says, I hope
and pray that this site will be a place where you
will be strengthened, and be able to spread your
wings and rise up close to God, like eagles. And
a place where you will find encouragement and hope
in your daily walk with Him. I hope you are able to
find something within these pages, that will speak
to you and bless you. Also, that you may find something that would encourage and bless someone else.

'Poetry Pages' is a section of Christian Poetry categorized into different topics.
'Special Occasions' is a
section of Christian Poetry for different Special Occasions such as Baby Dedication, Wedding, Baptism, Mother's
Day, Memorial, Communion, Christmas, New Year and Easter. Please read my 'Terms Of Use' page for clarity on the use of the Poetry, Card Verses and Devotionals found on this site. I have
also included a page of 'Scripture Poetry'.
This is poetry based on scripture. Included on this site is a section called 'In God's Word' where there are many scriptures categorized by different topics. There
is also an area of 'Christian Card Verses'. These
are verses you may use for greeting cards. If you are interested in learning some original Christian worship songs for use in church or sunday school/junior church, then you might be interested in visiting the 'Christian Songs ~ MP3's' section. I have a new section of 'Inspiring Stories' with a Christian message. You may find some encouraging and uplifting stories there.
Everything is FREE to use!

I have a section for women called 'Women's
Corner'. I have created these pages for the
purpose of inspiring and encouraging Women
to rise up in the gifts God has given to them.
To realize and tap into the potential that
God has placed within. Included in the Women's
Corner, is 'Poetry To Inspire', and pages for
Devotionals and inspiring Testimonies. I'm
welcoming testimonies from Women that will
inspire and encourage other Women to rise
up and make their dreams and visions that
God has given them, become a reality.
There is an area of 'Children's Devotionals'.
I have tried to write them on topics that
children face or need to learn about. I
will add more as I write them. I have also added a 'Daily Bible Stories' page that automatically updates each day.
I also have another page called 'Positive
Confessions'. Confessing the word of God
is one way we can 'take every thought captive
to the obedience of Christ.' Hope you find by
confessing these, you can combat the fiery
darts Satan sends. Believe in your heart
and speak with your lips positive confession. Also, 'Praying The Scriptures' is a section of scripture prayers—praying the promises of God.
There is a section called 'Daily Inspirations'.
These are brief devotionals for every day of the
week. Also a section called 'Christian Devotions' where there are many brief Devotionals on
a range of different topics.
Also on this site, I have included 'My Testimony'
where you can read how I came to the Lord,
and a place where you can read 'About Jesus', and how you can come to know Him personally.
I've also included a page called 'About Me'
where I share a little bit about myself.
Hope you enjoy these poems, card verses and devotionals, and if you
want to pass them on to friends and family, you
are more than welcome to pass them on. They
are here to be shared. God Bless You!
Page Design by © Sindy's Creations
Image of Christ in header image is by © Greg Olsen used with permission